Hello everyone, welcome to singhvi family. Hope you are in the best of health and spirit. In today’s blog we will understand what exactly is economics, what is economics study about and what is economic analysis?. Good news is you don’t need to study, it is a mere application of practical circumstances appearing in our day to day life. You would be surprised to know that economics is derived from the Greek word oikonomia which means household. What we do in our household is nothing but economics. We have our resources for eg. money and wants which we have to satisfy with these limited resources. For detailed understanding of economics let us consider this example: Your birthday is approaching and your mom gives you RS. 2,000. Now initially you are very excited but as you put your thinking cap on many questions come to your mind. I will buy a dress, but the dress itself will cost me RS. 1,500. I need to give a treat to my friend Ankita too which will cost RS.600. The most important thing is You have only RS. 2,000. Or shall I save this money or shall I buy a book? These are all questions which you need to answer and make a decision. Or you could go for a treat and save IE. Even multiple options are available.
The major dilemma in the above situation is which option to choose? IE. Buy a dress or give a treat or treat and save. But why do you have this dilemma? Because you have only RS.2,000. Had you been given RS. 10,000. You could have done everything. So, what do we understand from the above example?
Resources: scarce: money
Wants: Unlimited: treat, dress, book, save.
Since we cannot have everything with the limited resources available, we are forced to make choices and leave some of our wants unsatisfied. This is what life is about.
evaluate | alternatives |
choose | Greatest satisfaction |
This helps us in understanding two important fundamental facts of economics:
1. ‘Human beings have unlimited wants’ and
2. ‘The means to satisfy these unlimited wants are relatively scarce’ form the subject matter of economics.
Now that we know the meaning of economics. The question that comes to our mind is what does economics study about?
It is the study of processes by which the relatively scarce resources are allocated to satisfy the competing unlimited wants of a society.
Available resources | Efficiently used | When allocated to their highest values |
Economics is the study of how we work together to transform scarce resources into goods and services to satisfy the most pressing of our infinite wants and how we distribute these goods and services among ourselves.
The definition of Economics, with the narrow focus on using relatively scarce resources, to satisfy human wants, is the domain of modern neo classical micro economic analysis.
Though this definition is correct, it is incomplete. Why?
Picture of society withfixed | Deciding on what specific kinds ofGoods and services | And how they ought to be distributed |
Resources, skills and productive capacity | It ought to produce with the given resources | Amongst members of the society |
Some of the important concerns of modern economies have not been covered by this concept.
· Productive capacity of modern economies has grown tremendously not only in terms of quantity but in terms of quality as well.
Let us understand how productive capacity of modern economies has grown in terms of quality:
Population and labor force have | increased |
New sources of raw materials | discovered |
New and better plant and equipment | Made available on farms, factories and mines. |
Now let us understand how quality has improved substantially.
Better | Education |
Newly acquired | skills |
Raised productivity of | Labor force |
Led to the discovery of completely new kinds of | Natural resources such as shale gas and new alternative greener sources of energy such as solar and wind power. |
On the other hand, we know that resulting growth in production and income has not been smooth. There have been periods in which output not only failed to grow, but also declined sharply.
Global financial crisis 2007 andCorona pandemic 2019During such periods factories, workers and productive resources have remained idle due to insufficient demand. |
Now having understood the meaning of economics, we come across an important aspect of economics. Let us understand what economic analysis is all about. Before that first let us understand why the need for economic analysis?
In day-to-day events we come across several economic issues such as:
· Changes in price of individual commodities,
· Changes in general price level
· Economic prosperity
· Higher standards of living of some countries despite
· General poverty and poor standard of living in others
· Some firms making extraordinary profits while
· Others close down, etc.
All these are matters fundamentally connected with economic analysis.
The study of economics helps us to develop an analytical approach that helps in:
· understanding and analyzing a wide range of economic issues.
· It also provides us with a number of models and frameworks that can be applied in different situations.
· Tools of economics assist in choosing the best course of action from among different courses of action available to the decision maker.
However, most economic problems are of complex nature and are affected by several forces, some of which are rooted in economics and others in social norms, political setup, etc.
Conclusion: Study of economics cannot ensure that all problems are appropriately tackled but it would definitely help us to examine a problem in its right perspective and discover suitable measures to deal with the same.
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Good insight on economics 😊 I learnt some
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