Tag: business

Marketing and advertising as essential elements of modern business

marketing as essential of business

Marketing and advertising are essential elements of modern business. They play a crucial role in helping companies reach their target audience and achieve their marketing goals. Here are several reasons why we need marketing and advertising: In conclusion, marketing and advertising are crucial components of modern business. They help companies build brand awareness, differentiate from […]

Brief Overview about Copyright (Intellectual Property)

Copy Right Singhvi Online

Copyright is a legal fiction designed to protect the works of artists, inventors and innovators. In essence, it is a legal bar, allowing exclusivity for those who create works in the form of an intangible asset which can be sold or relinquished, and which expires upon a certain period of time. With the growth of […]

How to take step towards your Investing Journey


Many first time investors think that they should invest all of their savings. This isn’t necessarily true. To determine how much money you should invest, you must first determine how much you actually can afford to invest, and what your financial goals are. First, let’s take a look at how much money you can currently […]

Economies and diseconomies of scale

Singhvi Online

Scale of production: Large-scale production is a crucial aspect of modern industrial society. The size of business undertakings has significantly expanded as a result. There are some benefits to large-scale production that contribute to lower production costs. Large-scale production-related economies can be divided into two categories: internal economies and external economies.  Internal economies are those […]

Supply – Meaning and Introduction

Singhvi Online

Supply is defined in economics as the total amount of a particular product or service a supplier provides to a consumer at a particular time and price level. It is usually determined by market movements. Sellers of goods and services constitute the supply side in a market economy. We know that the term “demand” refers to the quantity of a good or service that consumers are […]

Indifference curve Analysis:

Indifference curve Analysis: The ordinal utility approach is a very popular alternative and a more realistic way to describe customer demand. This approach uses a different tool, namely the indifference curve, to analyze consumer behavior and is based on consumer preferences. The approach is based on the belief that since human satisfaction is a psychological […]

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