Many first time investors think that they should invest all of their savings. This isn’t necessarily true. To determine how much money you should invest, you must first determine how much you actually can afford to invest, and what your financial goals are. First, let’s take a look at how much money you can currently […]
Tag: finance
Long-term investment Planning
Long-term investments mean holding financial assets for more than a year. These investments include mutual funds, equities, shares, and securities. Long-term investments usually go on for 3, 5, or 10 years. Blocking your funds for such a long period may seem daunting, but it is worth it. These investments and their profits depend on the […]
Importance of Education & Retirement Planning
Importance of Education planning Education planning is important to understand the objectives and aims of the education system, by using all the available resources. Education planning eliminates the trial phase while solving problems. Education planning helps in distributing the resources equally. It helps society as well as an individual to achieve their goals. Be ready […]
Financial consulting
Financial consultants offer advice particularly charted for a specific client company or an individual to invest and build wealth. Their services include financial planning and guidance through some insurance decisions. They might invest in buying and selling stocks on their client’s behalf or offer financial products. The financial consultants meet with the client to discuss […]
Financial Planning – Do it Now
With the coming of the second wave of covid 19 most of the friends of Rahul were spending sleepless nights thinking about how to meet up with the demands of the upcoming days with their jobs being in question and without any savings. Rahul on the other hand was confident with his financial situation since […]
Cryptocurrency – All you want to know
Story behind Crypto currencyThese days, cryptocurrency is very much popular and everyone is talking about it. Nowadays cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin are used for exchange of services in monetary terms for few products and services like electronics, luxury watches, and even cars. Lots of companies are partnering with crypto to make it usable to everybody. But […]
How does a magnetic stripe on the back of a credit card work?
The stripe on the back of a credit card is a magnetic stripe, often called a magstripe. The magstripe is made up of tiny iron-based magnetic particles in a plastic-like film. Each particle is really a very tiny bar magnet about 20 millionths of an inch long. Your card also has a magstripe on the […]
Do you know about lowest Airline Deal?
Hi There,Thinking about buying a Airline is costly affair but sometimes there are some exceptions which makes us crazy to know. Here you go and know about Airasia ( Tata Group owns 84% share of Airasia India) deal which is very much lowest deal among airline buying deals. Story begins with big losses (around US$11 […]