Bhanurekha Ganesan, better known by his stage name Rekha, is an Indian actor who appears mostly in Hindi films. Noted for her versatility and acknowledged as one of the finest actresses in Indian cinema, she has acted in more than 180 Hindi films and won a National Film Award and three Film-fare Awards.
Rekha made her acting debut in 1999 with the Kannada Film “Operation Jackpot Nalli C.I.D 999.” Next, she featured in a Telugu film “Amma Kosam.” She get a chance to debut in Bollywood movies during 1970 with Sawan Bhadon (1970) opposite Navin Nischol with a screen name of Rekha.
Rekha is one of the most popular actresses of her time. Back in the day, her stardom was huge and the beauty enjoyed a massive fan following.